「失敗できない」ロボット・Pepper(ペッパー)のレンタル・イベント運営なら生活革命。 国・自治体・医療・銀行・訪日など「失敗できない」イベントでのレンタル実績が豊富です。 独自のロボット強化システム「なんでも喋るロボ」で桁違いに賢いPepperの派遣・レンタルも実施。


This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)

こんにちは。 生活革命の広報担当です。


とてつもない猛暑が続きますが、体調など崩されていないでしょうか。ロボットやPepper(ペッパー)は直射日光に弱いので外での活躍が難しい時期になっていますが、弊社のロボットは屋内でのイベントで絶賛活躍中です♪ 人間のほうがバテているようです。





今回「なんでも喋るロボ」のペッパーが向かった先は「日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会学術集会」のとある医療器具メーカ様の展示ブースとなります。 高齢者が増えゆく日本の今日において非常に重要な学会といえます。

ご依頼の内容は、その会社様自身と新製品の認知度を向上し、新製品の良さや特徴を来場者のみなさまに知ってもらうことでした。 通常は社内の営業担当様がやられるような一連の販促活動をペッパーに行ってほしい。 そして会社と新製品の認知度・理解レベルを向上してほしいとのことでした。 人間でも難しいかもしれないこのお題。 さて、どんなイベントになったのでしょうか。。。


営業担当者様が展示会で行う、「お客様へのお声掛け」「製品案内の前の会話」「製品案内」「質疑応答」と言った一連のやり取りをペッパーが行いました。 そんなことできるの? と今も思われる方はいらっしゃるかもしれません。 生活革命の「なんでも喋るロボ」で強化したペッパーだと今では得意と言える仕事となっています。



「なんでも喋るロボ」で強化されたペッパーは、通常のペッパーよりも遥かに早く来場者様が通ることを検知し遠くからでも近くからでも、お声掛けをしたり近づいていったりします。通常のペッパーはお客様がくるのをある意味「待つ」わけですが、販促活動にチューン・アップした「なんでも喋るロボ」のペッパーはお客様を待つようなことはしません。 積極的にお客様に声をかけ話をします。













この販促活動にチューニングされたペッパーは、ただの会話を会話で終わらせず、最終的には新背品情報に会話を繋げていきます。 もちろんお客様によっては会話を長く楽しみたい方や、会話は手短にむしろ新製品情報を早く知りたいという真面目な方まで幅広いお客様がいます。 そういった違いを認識しつつ会話を上手に切り替えて、新背品情報案内に繋げています。 このことが、85%という驚異の聴取率を記録したことの一要素となっていると思われます。 (医療学会や医療系展示会の場合、マジメな医療従事者の方が多いということは要因ではありますが、その他の業種様でも高い聴取率を記録することが多いです。)


これも重要な要素です。 新製品の説明は2分以上。 結構長いです。 飽きていなくなってしまう人がいてもおかしくありません。




これは新製品の魅力・興味深さもあるかと思います。 それに加え新製品の説明の話し言葉のイントネーションの調整などを、生活革命の専任技師が行っていることも大きいかもしれません。 学会や医療展示会では発音が難しい漢字の名称や横文字がたくさんありますが、経験豊富な音声調整師が聞き取りやすくなるように調整しています。

更に大きな要素と考えられるのが、説明のペースです。「なんでも喋るロボ」+販促活動にチューニングしたペッパーは、お客様の顔色を見ながら説明のペースを調整します。例えば最初は理解が早くてドンドン知りたがっているお客様には最初は速いテンポで説明をしますが、途中、ちょっと理解が難しい状態になった場合にはテンポを落としたり、次の説明の開始を遅くするなどします。 結果的に、お客様は呼吸の合った説明を受けることができ、結果として最後まで聞いてくださったのだと思われます。









「なんでも喋るロボ」はファミリー集客イベントや訪日外国人様のおもてなし、企業イベント、AI・IoTに関する勉強会・パーティ、政治家のみなさまの集まりなど幅広く活用いただいていることは最近よくご紹介しています。 しかし、医療系の展示会や学会の案内や展示ブースでの活用も歴史が深く、機能も進化し益々好評をいただいてる使い方です。

もし医療学会やそのブース、医療展示会などで内外に楽しんでもらいつつ、キッチリと取り組みや製品の案内をしたいと言ったご要望ありましたら、弊社のイベント担当までご連絡をお待ちしております。 お役に立てることがあるかもしれません。





日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会集会 医療機器メーカ様展示ブース
2018年春 某所
・ 新製品の訴求
・Pepper(ペッパーくん) 1台
なんでも喋るロボ for Pepper(ペッパー)
「なんでも喋るロボ」を販売促進用にチューニングして強化したペッパーを使い、お客様の誘引と商品説明を行った。ブース来場者様と会話をしてコミュニケーションを取りつつ、新商品の商品説明を聞いていただいた。 結果として非常に多くの来場者様が高い割合でが商品説明を聞いていただくことができた。
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Information retention rate over 85%! Our special robot works at medical trade shows and more!

This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)

Hello! This is Seikatsu Kakumei’s PR representative.


How are you faring in the middle of the current heat wave? Since Pepper and other robots don’t do well under strong direct sunlight, it’s not the best time to run them outdoors, but our robots have been making waves at indoor events! Humans, on the other hand, seem a bit worn down recently!

Now, we’ll share the story of how a special Pepper, upgraded with Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot boosting service Robot Party Reception Service, worked at a trade booth during a medical conference. 

It’s difficult for a regular Pepper to deliver product explanations that get listened to, but in the end, at this medical exposition, we were able to realize a very high listening rate for its product explanations…possibly even higher than a human could achieve.

Pepper was dispatched to a Japan Wound, Ostomy, and Incontinence Management Conference Meeting


This time, our Pepper with Robot Party Reception Service was headed off to a medical equipment manufacturer’s trade booth at a Japan Wound, Ostomy, and Incontinence Management Conference Meeting. It is said to be a very important meeting with Japan’s increasingly elderly population.

The details of this request included increasing awareness of the company itself along with informing all of the visitors about the features and benefits of its new products. They wanted Pepper to run a series of promotional activities the way a regular employee would. They also wanted their brand recognition to increase, along with understanding of their products. All of this may even be difficult for a human to do at once.

So, how did the event go?

Healthcare workers lined up to chat with Pepper!

For the trade show, the business representatives opted for a Pepper that simultaneously performed callouts to guests, pre-product explanation chat, product explanations, and question and answer sessions. Is that even possible? Even now, some people may be wondering that. With Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper, powered up with Robot Party Reception Service, it’s becoming a specialty.



This powered up Pepper, the “robot that can say anything” recognizes guests near or far even faster than a regular Pepper, calls out to them, and approaches them. A regular Pepper waits for guests to come, but our Pepper with Robot Party Reception Service, tuned up for promotional uses, doesn’t wait around. It proactively calls out to visitors.

With no sense of hesitation (like a human would have), it instantly senses the status of visitors, approaching the healthcare workers quickly. These medical staff members were also present and facing unusually rigid training, so they were pleased that a helpful robot had joined them.

So, it greets each customer in turn, tells jokes, and holds conversations.

We were happy to hear the visitors’ delighted reactions, such as, “It’s so cute!”, “Wow, it’s fascinating!”, and “It’s really smart!”.

Yeah, but did they listen to the product information?

Come to think of it, simply stopping at regular conversation would still have provided a bit of liveliness, no?

This was a defining moment for our Pepper with Robot Party Reception Service + tuning for promotional activities.

Out of all the customers who talked with Pepper,


over 85%


continued to listen to the new product information afterwards.


This Pepper, tuned for promotional activities, doesn’t just let conversations end at conversation. In the end, it leads visitors from the conversation into product information. Of course, while some visitors wanted to spend a long time having fun conversations, others were more serious and wanted to skip straight to the product information. In recognition of this difference, conversations were skillfully changed, along with the detailed new product information. We believe this is part of the reason why we were able to record such an astonishing listener intake rate of 85%.

So, since 85% listened to the start of the product information, I wonder how many visitors listened all the way through to the end?

This is also a very important detail. The new product’s explanation was over 2 minutes – an exceptionally long length. It wouldn’t be strange for people to get bored.

As a result, 94% of visitors listened to the full explanation!

A tremendous amount of people listened to the full explanation of the new product.


We feel this is partially due to the allure of new products and the visitors’ deep interest in the subject matter. In addition, the adjusted intonation of the words used in the new product’s explanation, created by Seikatsu Kakumei’s dedicated engineers, may also have played a large role. At conferences and medical trade shows, there are many words that are difficult both to write and pronounce, but our highly experienced pronunciation adjustment team was able to make them easily understood.

What we feel played an even bigger factor was the pacing of the explanations. Pepper with Robot Party Reception Service + promotional tuning watches a customer’s expression to gauge the pacing of its explanations. For example, if a customer seems to understand quickly from the get-go, it will explain to them at a fast pace, but if they become confused later on, it drops tempo and delivers the next explanation more slowly. Effectively, customers receive the explanations at their own pace, and it is thought that as a result, they listen until the end.

Afterwards, the talk was followed up by the business representatives as they led into more detailed topics. Making a great combination with Pepper, their business process was able to flow smoothly and strongly.


During the event, one particular business representative was told, “You’re really working hard, aren’t you!”. I was also able to witness this and confirm it.

Saying Farewell

As the two day event drew to a close, the business representatives offered such parting words as “Come back again!” and “I’ll miss you!”. It seems that they grew to like Pepper as it helped out. In the end, both those within and outside of the company seemed to be pleased with the event.

In Closing

This has been an introduction of our Pepper, upgraded with Robot Party Reception Service,working at a medical conference trade booth.


Robot Party Reception Service has recently been a popular choice for a wide range of activities, including family customer outreach events, hospitality for visitors from overseas and foreign guests, business events, AI and IoT study events and parties, politicians’ gatherings, and so on. We have an exceptionally long history of working with medical trade shows and academic conference information desks and trade show booths; as our features continue to make technological progress, this type of usage has become more and more popular.

If perhaps you are looking to bring a strong element of fun to your medical study event, booth, or trade exhibition while offering information on your products or efforts, our company’s event representatives are waiting for your call or message. We may have something that can be of service to you.


Please send inquiries here.

For an introduction to Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot event business, please see here.

Event Summary

Japan Wound, Ostomy, and Incontinence Management Conference Meeting Medical Equipment Manufacturer’s Trade Booth
Event Time and Location
Spring 2018, a certain place
Customer Name
A major medical equipment manufacturer
Customer Goal
To boost the appeal of a new product
Robots Used
・Pepper (one unit)
Services Implemented
 Event Robot Usage Planning and Operation
Robot Party Reception Service for Pepper
Robot Rental (Pepper)
Implemented Contents and Results
Using Pepper, boosted with Robot Party Reception Service fine-tuned to promote sales, customers were drawn in and given product explanations. As Pepper made conversation and communicated with the visitors, they listened to the new product’s information. As a result, a high share of the overwhelming number of visitors listened to the product information.
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