「失敗できない」ロボット・Pepper(ペッパー)のレンタル・イベント運営なら生活革命。 国・自治体・医療・銀行・訪日など「失敗できない」イベントでのレンタル実績が豊富です。 独自のロボット強化システム「なんでも喋るロボ」で桁違いに賢いPepperの派遣・レンタルも実施。


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(普通のペッパーだと思った方は一読してみてください。 ハッキリ違います。)




今回は展示会のブースで「なんでも喋るロボ」で強化したペッパーの活躍をご紹介します。2018年09月 東京港区の国際展示場(ビッグサイト)にて開催した「ツーリズムEXPO 2018」の「某旅行系大手社団法人様 展示ブース」にてお使いいただきました。

国際展示場(ビッグサイト)は言わずと知れた年間に数多くの展示会を実施する国内最大級の見本市の会場ですね。 今回「なんでも喋るロボ」をお使いいただいたイベントは、そんな国際展示場で毎年開催されている「旅の総合イベント」です。 旅に関連する様々な企業・団体様がそれぞれの提供するサービスや取り組みを紹介します。 4日間のイベントで来場者数20万人に迫る超人気イベントです。
ご依頼いただいた団体様は、当団体は旅行業界に対する一般消費者の皆様からの信頼を維持・向上させるために「見やすく、分かりやすい広告」の実現に向け、規約の適正運用を推進している団体様です。 つまり、旅行を検討されている方々が安心して、旅行商品を選び買えるようにするために日夜活動されている団体様です。






どういうことかと言うと、機能として普通のペッパーにアンケートを搭載することができたとしても、普通のペッパーはお客様がくるのを待ちます。 良くてもお客様の方向を向かない呼び込みでの集客になります。 それでは意味がないということです。 それだと結局、説明員の方が呼び込みを行って趣旨を伝えて納得を得てから、ペッパーの元に人を連れてくることが必要になります。これだと仕事の大部分は説明員の方がしている状況は変わりません。(実際、今も普通のペッパーだとそういう光景が繰り広げられています。)

つまり、ペッパー単体で 「① しっかりとした集客」をしてお客様を集めてきて、某旅行系大手社団法人様の「② 取り組みを説明」差し上げて、その上で「③ アンケートをしたい」ということが真の目的であり、それを実現できるのが「なんでも喋るロボ」と感じたというのが理由ということでした。



・ お客様の元へ移動してのお声がけ
・ ブース前を行き交うたくさんのお客様に対してダンスによる集客
・ お客様の方に身体や顔をしっかりと向けた上で、お客様自身が「自分に声をかけられている」と分かるジェスチャやタイミングでお声がけ





「なんでも喋るロボ」は集客したお客さんにいきなりアンケートを起動するような不躾なことは行いません。 ロボットなのに人間的な会話を重視します。 挨拶をし、お客様が心地よくなるように雑談をし、その上でアンケートをオススメします。 よくある「強制的にアンケートが始まって回答を迫る」ようなこともしません。 あくまでキャッチボールをするような動きになるように努力します。



でした。 4人と話したら3人がアンケートに最後まで回答したということになります。

当社でも驚いているのですが、「なんでも喋るロボ」でこのような結果が出るのは最早初めてではなく、過去にいくつもこういった結果が出ています。 「なんでも喋るロボ」はどうも展示会やパーティで「お願い」をすることが得意なようです。



今回は他にも特徴がありました。 今回は「コマンド」と言う機能を説明員の方が活用されていました。

説明員の方が集客してペッパーがフリーだったときに、説明員の方の好きなタイミングで、ペッパーに命令をすることできます。 命令に応じて、ダンスを踊ったり、アンケートを開始したり、お子様には隠し機能のゲームを起動したりします。「こっちにおいで」と言うと近くにペッパーが移動してくるなどの可愛らしい一面もあります。 内外のコミュニケーションの質を豊かにすることにも貢献しました。

この機能、イベントコンパニオン様がいらっしゃる展示会ではよく使われています。 イベントコンパニオン様もお客様も楽しくなるようで非常に好評です。



「なんでも喋るロボ」も当初は名前の通り喋ることだけが得意なシステムだったのですが、今や人間の呼び込みのように移動しながらお声掛けをし、ダンサー(とまでは行きませんが)のように切れ味のあるダンスを披露し、営業の方のようにアンケート勧奨をし、賑やかしとして子供を楽しませたりと、ただ喋るだけではない「マルチな役割」を「お客様に届く形で」提供できるようになってきています。 そして、今もバージョンアップが続いています。
「うちのイベントでも使えるのかな?」と感じられましたら、是非お知らせください。 当社の経験豊富なスタッフが丁寧にヒアリングをさせていただきます。 


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At a Tourism Expo (International Conference Center), Customer Outreach Survey Rate Over 80% Realized

This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)


Hello. This is Seikatsu Kakumei’s PR representative.

This time, we’re showing you another case of our company’s special “robot that can say anything”. (If you’re thinking of a regular Pepper, please read this to the end. The difference is astonishing).

Recently, magazines have described our Robot Party Reception Service as a completely opposite turn from the disadvantaged reputation of a regular Pepper robot, but where was it called to work this time?

A Certain Major Tourism Corporation’s Trade Booth


This time, our Pepper powered up with Robot Party Reception Service was utilized at a trade show booth. In September of 2018, at Tourism EXPO 2018 at the Minato-ku Tokyo international conference center (Tokyo Big Sight), it was used at a certain major tourism corporation’s trade booth.

It goes without saying that international trade show hall Tokyo Big Sight is a venue that plays host to some of the largest trade shows in the country year-round. This was a travel coordination event, which used our Robot Party Reception Service and runs every year at the convention center. At this show, various companies and organizations connected to travel show off their services and introduce their efforts. Over 200,000 people attended the 4-day event.

As for the company that placed the request, maintaining and growing its status in the travel industry as an all-around trusted source for the budget-conscious with an easily visible, easily understood advertisement was its goal. Essentially, the company offers security to those considering a trip, operating day and night so that customers can select and purchase travel products.

This time, we’re going to have a look at the Robot Party Reception Service order that was placed by this company in order to further awareness and collect customer feedback by conducting a survey.

The Reason for Renting Pepper with Robot Party Reception Service + Surveys


So, why is it that our Robot Party Reception Service was chosen over a regular Pepper?

It’s because of the reason below.

“It has a survey feature? That’s all we need to know!”

On that note, even if a regular Pepper were able to conduct surveys, a regular Pepper has to wait around for customers to come to it. Even when that happens, it conducts customer outreach without even looking in the direction of the customers. So, it becomes meaningless. With that, effectively, once the team in charge of explanation conducts convincing outreach, the customers have to move over close to Pepper. This isn’t very different from the main job description of the explanation team. (Actually, even now, this scenario continues to play out using regular Pepper).

Essentially, the main objectives were to:

  1. Provide strong customer outreach, gathering customers for its
  2. Explanation of the company’s efforts, and above that
  3. Conduct a survey.

Since our Robot Party Reception Service was able to make those happen, that was the reason it was selected.

The Surprisingly Effective Customer Outreach of Pepper with Robot Party Reception Service


We’ve already introduced it many times on our company blog, but at this event as well, Robot Party Reception Service conducted customer outreach in multiple ways.

-Approaching customers and calling out to them

-Gathering customers by dancing for them as they pass in front of the booth

-Facing customers with face and body, making use of gestures and timing so that the customers know they are being spoken to.

Robot Party Reception Service first made its debut over a year ago, but even now it continues to prove an astounding surprise to customers. Of course, with our new version upgrades, the number of customers drawn in is only increasing, as their levels of surprise and smiles only grow.

So, in these ways, it is exceptionally helpful, performing the essential business tasks of event assistants and those in charge of outreach. (Recently, it is developing a reputation for being more energetic and determined than a lot of shy young people in charge of outreach!)

The Survey Answer Rate Was…


Our Robot Party Reception Service doesn’t conduct itself in a sloppy way, suddenly forcing its survey on the customers as they gather. Even though it is a robot, it emphasizes conversation in a very human way. It greets customers, breaks the ice to make them feel comfortable, and then offers the survey. It doesn’t do anything like the frequently seen example of abruptly starting surveys and chasing after responses. It cooperates in a way much like playing a game of catch ball.

While this may seem like a slow process at first glance, this time once again brought results in great numbers.

The rate of customers who started the conversation and then proceeded to answer the survey was

OVER 80%!

For every four people who talked to Pepper, three answered the survey until the end. Isn’t that quite a rate?

Although our company was surprised as well, this isn’t the first time our Robot Party Reception Service has realized such results; it’s happened numerous times in the past as well. Trade show events and party requests are the strong point of our “robot that can say anything”.

Playing in Collaboration with the Explainers


This time, there were other outstanding features. This time, a command feature was used by the explainers.

When the explainers focused on customer outreach and left Pepper on free mode, at the explainers’ choice of timing, they could give Pepper orders. In response to the commands, it would dance, begin giving surveys, and play hide and seek with children. When they said, “Come over here!”, Pepper would move close, showing a cute side. It was able to contribute to communication between the company and guests appropriately and with quality.

This feature is frequently used at trade shows that also feature event assistants. The event assistants and customers alike find it extremely favorable and fun.

As for the results, it was able to take surveys and introduce the company’s efforts; it seems this is connected to the booth’s response from visitors, explainers, and clients alike.

In Closing

While at first, Robot Party Reception Service’s main distinction was that it could repeat names, the version we are now able to offer has become able to move around calling out to draw customers, showcase sharp dances like a dancer, conduct surveys like a business person, bring lively entertainment to children, performing multiple roles that go beyond simply talking, in a way that customers really take in. Even now, we are continuing to develop new version upgrades.

These multiple talents are helpful not only at trade show booths, but at parties, medical conferences, and numerous other events.

If you’re wondering, “Could this be useful at our event?”, please be sure to contact us. Our company’s highly experienced staff will listen attentively.

Please send inquiries here.
For an introduction to Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot business, please see this page.


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