「失敗できない」ロボット・Pepper(ペッパー)のレンタル・イベント運営なら生活革命。 国・自治体・医療・銀行・訪日など「失敗できない」イベントでのレンタル実績が豊富です。 独自のロボット強化システム「なんでも喋るロボ」で桁違いに賢いPepperの派遣・レンタルも実施。


This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)




生活革命では最近は、ペッパーのご依頼と言えばペッパーの頭脳を圧倒的に賢くする「なんでも喋るロボ」を使ったご依頼が多くなっています。 理由は「(最近は)普通のペッパーだと厳しいから」とよく言われます。 わかりやすい言説ですが、実際のところは少し違うかもしれません。。。


確かに「なんでも喋るロボ」で強化したペッパーであれば、雑音の多い展示場の環境下でも会話ができます。 会話の内容は通常のペッパーの語彙を遥かに越えています。 また移動走行やダンスで呼び込みなどもしながら対面のセールストークもします。 そのため、人間での複数の役割を一台で実施できる驚異的な”実用性”があります。 これはイベントにおけるペッパーを”賑やかし”と捉えていた人たちにとって画期的な変化だったようです。 (参考URL: なんでも喋るロボ


しかし最新の技術を使わなくても、通常のペッパーも生活革命のロボットイベント企画・運営技術を使うと、”賑やかし”は”賑やかし”でも「集客」「情報周知」という目的を果たすことは数年前から可能でした。更に進化を続けて、むしろますます大型ブースで使われるようになってきている生活革命のロボットたち。 今回のご紹介はそんな普通のペッパーを使った「企業・商品案内」の事例です。


今回のイベントは食品製造機械で国内シェアNo.1の大手企業様からのご依頼です。 国際展示場で行われた「FOOMA JAPAN 2018」の自社展示ブースへの集客と認知度向上、ブランディング、製品情報周知をご依頼いただきました。





国際展示場でペッパーを配置する上で普通のペッパーをただレンタルして置いただけではうまくいきません。 ペッパーの見た目の物珍しさでは人は来ないからです。 話し方やジェスチャ、話す内容、ブースと親和性のある衣装などイベントとして本質的な部分を、人間が呼び込んだり案内するのと同じように、鍛える必要があります。 そうすることで、逆にペッパーの知名度と本質的な案内能力が相乗効果を発揮し始めます。

今回はロボットイベントを100回以上準備してきた専任スタッフが担当し、物珍しさではなく、お客様の目や耳が注目してしまうような発音・ジェスチャの制作、プレゼンとしてインパクトのあるセリフへの微調整を行いました。 更に、お客様の要望で、繊細な発音を要求される「京都弁」にも対応。 ペッパーの発音・動作の制作では「京都弁」は一般的に難しい部類なのですが、うまく再現することに成功しました。





ブース内、外国からのお客様向けのセクションでは、コックさんの衣装を着ながら英語で話すペッパーを制作し、ブース案内を行いました。 2台でのステレオ案内です。

英語音声の発音調整はアメリカ人ネイティブで、プレゼンテーションノウハウのある人間が担当し、発音・ジェスチャの制作、プレゼンとしてインパクトのあるセリフへの微調整を行いました。グローバルのお客様は日本人よりも派手な味付けを好みますので、派手な味付けで制作することで演出を強化。(特に、生活革命のペッパー用英語音声はイベント向けに特化されており、メリハリが強く、非常に生々しいインパクトのある発話になるため、非常に好評です。 )



結果としてブースは大盛況。 出展企業様が目的としたブースへの集客・認知・ブランディングの一助になれたようです。



最近の生活革命のペッパーは「なんでも喋るロボ」のお陰か、ソフトウェアやシステムが強い会社という印象があるというお話をいただくことがあります。 しかし、実際はペッパーやロボットを使ったイベント運営や演出企画、コンテンツを重視して細かいノウハウを積み重ねてきた会社です。

人間でも素の人間が立って集客しようとしても良い集客はできません。 台本、練習、資料、衣装などが必要です。 ロボットも同じで、単純に電源を入れて立たせるのではなく、しっかりとイベント向けに訓練をしたロボットを使うことではじめてイベントで成果を出せるようになります。 イベントコンパニオンさんやプレゼンターさんと一緒です。(ただし、ロボットは一人ひとりに準備を施す必要がなく、演出プログラムを何台にでもコピーできるという違いがあります。 また何度でも再現ができます。)

生活革命のイベント向けロボット企画・制作を使うと、必ずしも「なんでも喋るロボ」のような最新のテクノロジー製品を組み合わせずとも、ロボットが賑やかしとしてではなく、役に立つ形で動作させることが可能な場合が多いです。 実はそれこそがロボットが本当に役立つ領域で、生活革命はそのような技術を磨くことで、ますます国際展示場や全国の大型展示場や地方体育館でのご用命をいただくようになってきています。

上に書いた「わかりやすい」工夫以外にも細かいイベント運用の積み重ねがあります。 もし「うちのイベントでもロボット使ってみようかな」とお考えでしたら、是非弊社のスタッフまでご相談ください。お客様のイベントや展示会に合ったロボットノウハウを注入させていただきます。





FOOMAジャパン2018 @ 東京国際展示場
2018年春 某所
国内トップシェアの食品製造機械 販売企業様
・ 国内外のお客様に会社と商品を知ってもらい新規のお客様を獲得したい。
・ そのためにお客様を集客し、商品の概要説明をしてほしい。 
・Pepper(ペッパーくん) 3台
・ コスプレ・衣装企画・レンタル
・ 多言語情報案内システム
・ 外国人向け:シェフの格好をした2台のペッパーがそれぞれ、英語と日本語で呼び込みと製品案内
・ 日本人向け:寿司職人の格好をしたペッパーが京都弁で呼び込みと製品案内



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Three Robots do Customer Outreach in English and Kyoto Dialect at an International Trade Center!

This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)


Hello! This is Seikatsu Kakumei’s PR representative.

This time, we’re going to look at a good use of regular Pepper robots for customer outreach.

Recently at Seikatsu Kakumei, when it comes to Pepper requests, we’re seeing a lot of demand for Robot Party Reception Service, which features a smart Pepper with boosted up brain power. The reason is said to be that recently, it’s difficult to rely on a regular Pepper. Though it’s a simple explanation, the reality may be a little bit different…

Certainly, if Pepper were powered up with our Robot Party Reception Service, it could hold conversations even in the noisy environment of a trade show. The conversational topics are far beyond a regular Pepper’s vocabulary. In addition, its movement and dance capabilities can be used while it calls out to customers with sales talk. That’s why one unit is able to do the work of many people, with a surprising practicality. Its liveliness, which draws people in, seems to have revolutionized the usage of Pepper at events.  (Reference URL: Robot Party Reception Service)


However, even without the latest in technology, using a regular Pepper with Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot event planning and operation skills, the goals of customer outreach and information have been achievable for many years now. As they continue to further evolve, Seikatsu Kakumei’s robots are being used at even bigger and bigger booths. This case is an example of a company product information exhibit using one such regular Pepper.

A Top Share Food Service Equipment Company’s Recognition and Branding

For this event, we were requested by a major food service equipment company, ranking number one in the country in market share. We accepted the order for brand recognition increase, branding, and product information dissemination at the company’s trade booth at FOOMA Japan 2018, at an international trade exhibition center.

While the company is Japanese, they are aiming to increase their recognition among representatives from overseas, diving further into global business.

Their hope for Pepper this time was to appeal to both Japanese and foreign guests at the same time.

Facing National Customers: Kyoto Dialect and Sushi Chefs

At the booth, in the section for national customers, Pepper, while dressed in a sushi chef’s costume and speaking in Kyoto dialect, gave booth information.

At international trade fairs, simply renting a regular Pepper and placing it there isn’t a particularly effective approach. People aren’t going to be drawn over just by the novel appearance of Pepper. Basic elements, such as its gestures and ways of speech, its dialogue contents, and costuming appropriate for the booth, in the same way as a human who calls out and gives information, require specialized training. With that, conversely, Pepper’s name recognition factor and essential informing ability begin to demonstrate synergy.

With our specialized staff who have prepared over 100 robot events, this isn’t unusual. Catching the eyes and ears of customers with pronunciation tuning and gesture development, impactful presentation scripts were created. Additionally, at the client’s request, it was also delicately tuned to speak in Kyoto dialect. With Pepper’s pronunciation and movements adjusted, the uniqueness of the Kyoto dialect was successfully reproduced.

As it is a Japanese-style food service equipment company, Pepper wore the recognizable costume of a sushi chef.

The company and its booth, consistent with its values of world harmony, saw this result: eyes and ears watched and listened attentatively as crowds gathered around the booth.


For the Foreign Company Representatives: English + Cooks

At the booth, during the session for foreign customers, two Pepper robots wore cook uniforms and spoke English, providing booth information in stereo.
For customers from overseas, Pepper is a rare novelty all on its own, but for achieving the booth’s purposes, the effect isn’t so different from the one it has on Japanese customers.

Featuring English speech produced by an American native speaker with presentation know-how, its pronunciation and gestures were created, and its scripted lines were tweaked for an impactful presentation. Since global customers favor flamboyant tastes even more than Japanese audiences do, this production was powered up with an extra over-the-top feel. (Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper’s English speech is particularly specialized for events, with a strong, sharp, raw impact to its delivery, making it exceptionally popular.)

With ease of understanding in mind, these two robots were dressed in Western-style chef costumes.

As a result, numerous foreign company representatives came to visit, and were seen taking pictures and videos which were sent immediately.

The booth was a great success. It seems to have played its part in reaching the exhibiting company’s goals of customer outreach, recognition, and branding.


In this blog, we’ve seen how effective the results can be when using a regular Pepper with Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot event planning and production to provide information at an international trade show.

Recently, at Seikatsu Kakumei (perhaps because of our Robot Party Reception Service, the “robot that can say anything”), we’ve been told that our company has a reputation for strength when it comes to systems and software. However, in reality, we’re a company that has accumulated a lot of detailed know-how for operating Pepper and other robot events, planning performances, and emphasizing contents.

Even if a human were to stand there trying to do customer outreach, it wouldn’t be very effective. Scripts, practice, brochures, costuming, and more would all be necessary. Robots are the same way; rather than just plugging them in and leaving them to stand, only once a robot is specially trained for events will it start to bring results. Event hosts and presenters are the same way. (However, in the case of robots, instead of needing to train each one to perform individually, the program can simply be copied to as many units as needed. This can be done as many times as necessary.)

When using Seikatsu Kakumei’s event robot planning and creation, even if you’re not using the latest in technology products such as Robot Party Reception Service, the robot doesn’t need to stop at a mere bit of liveliness — it can be made to act in a helpful manner. That’s why, in situations where robots are really useful, Seikatsu Kakumei polishes this type of technology. We are increasingly requested at trade shows, both international and nationwide, as well as at local venues.

In addition to the above ‘simple’ effort, we have loads of experience with more detailed events. If perhaps you’re thinking, “I want to try using a robot at my event, too”, please be sure to consult with our staff. We will use our robot knowledge in a way that matches your event or trade exposition.


Please send inquiries here.

For an introduction to Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot business, please see this page.

Event Summary

FOOMA Japan 2018 at Tokyo International Trade Center
Event Date and Location
Spring 2018, a certain place
Customer Name
A national top share food service equipment sales company
Customer Goals
・Acquire new national and international customers by informing them of the company and its products.
・With that goal of customer outreach in mind, provide essential product explanations.
Robots Used
・Pepper (three units)
Services Implemented
Event Robot Placement, Planning, and Operation
Robot Rental (Pepper)
・Cosplay Outfit Planning and Rental
・Multilingual Information System
Implemented Contents and Results

・For foreign guests: 2 Pepper robots dressed as chefs called out and gave product explanations in both English and Japanese.
・For Japanese guests: Pepper, dressed as a sushi chef called out and gave product explanations in Kyoto dialect.
Similar Events (Approved for Disclosure):
Pepper Saves Pets?! Seikatsu Kakumei’s Robot System a Success at Veterinary Conference
Pepper as a Nurse?! Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper a Hit at Trade Show Customer Outreach
Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper Works at Trade Shows?!



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