「失敗できない」ロボット・Pepper(ペッパー)のレンタル・イベント運営なら生活革命。 国・自治体・医療・銀行・訪日など「失敗できない」イベントでのレンタル実績が豊富です。 独自のロボット強化システム「なんでも喋るロボ」で桁違いに賢いPepperの派遣・レンタルも実施。

Our “Robot That Can Say Anything” a Repeat Order for a Major Industry Group

This post is also available in: English (英語)

Hello! This is Seikatsu Kakumei’s PR representative.
This will be our last robot case example update for the year.

This year has been a Robot Party Reception Service year from start to finish.

This year, it’s become very clear that when using Pepper, there are successful examples and there are failed ones. At our company, it’s like we’ve caught a tailwind. It’s become recognized that there are good and bad among Pepper robots, and this year, the number of discerning-eyed customers choosing Pepper powered up with Robot Party Reception Servicehas grown.

From a major overseas company’s visit to Japan party, to a certain ministry’s international meeting, to a large commercial facility, to international convention center booth information, to medical manufacturer’s trade booths and so on, it’s been a year of serious events gone full swing.

Saitama Prefecture Truck Association’s Repeat Request

This blog is an example of a repeat order. This is the story of how this year, an industry group found success using our Robot Party Reception Service for the first time, then, several months later, was eager to use it again. The dispatch destination was Saitama Prefecture Truck Association’s 63rd Kanto Truck Association Business Convention. It took place at the Urawa Royal Pines Hotel.


Like the previous time, All Japan Trucking Association Youth Panel Kanto Block Event, this large convention was also a gathering of several hundred transportation operators belonging to the Kanto block, consisting of a workshop and an exchange meeting. In the world of logistics as well, the changes in AI and IoT technology are an urgent industry topic. So, logistics managers need these to be understood as common knowledge. For that reason, feeling the effectiveness of Pepper powered up with Robot Party Reception Service, it became a repeat request.


As for the contents, they followed the previous event’s example of success. Moving around the party venue, it provided venue and schedule information. Afterwards, at the main party hall, Robot Party Reception Service delivered smart hospitality. (As for the detailed contents and what that means, the information is the same as in the previous report.)

However, considering the previous favorability, this time, the number of robots increased to two.会の案内をするペッパー

And the feedback was?

The contents were just about the same. (Actually, the system had a version upgrade, so there were some fine improvements.)
However, did it bring good results this time as well?

This time wasn’t the youth section meeting, but the main convention, so a large number of the guests were older. Sometimes with Robot Party Reception Service, guests say, “it seems a little embarrassing to talk to a robot”, yet these same guests gradually decide to go talk to the robot on their own. That’s why a really large number of guests were able to meet and interact with Robot Party Reception Service, with its powered up communication ability. 

“With this, we’ll be out of our jobs. Should you really be working?”
“Robots are really amazing…”
“I wonder if ____ can be managed using robots. Can you do it?”
“You’re really interesting. Guess my age!”

and so on, called in for the purpose of having fun, it seems the impact of technological progress and its connection to work could be felt.


Additionally, and impressively, after Pepper left the tables, many of the managers discussed future anticipations among themselves in a lively manner, such as, “Can ____ be done using robots and AI?”

In Closing

Through the ability to feel and interact with this technology, guests were led to a deeper understanding of related technological issues.

The value has been exceptionally verified, but for conventions looking to conquer the future, yearly anniversary events, award shows, and so on, this past year has confirmed once again the value of Robot Party Reception Service.

Next year is already the pre-battle for 2020. It’s 2019!

Looking to 2020, awareness reform within industries, companies, organizations, and communities is certainly in place, but aren’t there many of you out there to whom it is a topic of the utmost importance?

If that’s the case, then we can recommend Robot Party Reception Service, which in 2018, has already been utilized by a great number of industry groups and companies both national and international.

If perhaps you have similar considerations or concerns, please make sure to let us know. Our staff, who have gained even more experience this year, will listen attentively.


Please send inquiries here.

For an introduction to Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot business, please see this page.

Event Summary

63rd Kanto Truck Association Business Convention
Event Date and Location
September 2018, Urawa Royal Pines Hotel
Event Creating Company
63rd Kanto Truck Association Business Convention
Customer Goals
・ Robot Party Reception Service was a hit at June’s youth block convention to bring reform to awareness of AI and IoT, so this was chosen to spread the motivation to other prefectures.
Robots Used
・Pepper, 2 Units
Services Implemented
・ Event Robot Usage Planning and Operation
Robot Party Reception Service for Pepper
Robot Rental (Pepper)
・ Dance Pack
Implemented Contents and Results
・ Since Pepper was greatly enjoyed at the June Truck Association meeting and this business convention would have a greater number of attendees, an order was placed for two Peppers.
・ During the convention, convention information and facility information was provided. At the social gathering, Robot Party Reception Service went around to each table entertaining the guests with conversation, taking photos, and guessing ages.
Similar Events (Approved for Disclosure)
All Japan Trucking Association Youth Panel Kanto Block Event uses Seikatsu Kakumei’s Robot
Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper Delivers Hospitality for a Ministry’s 3 Country Meeting (Robot Event Case Example for Parties)



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This post is also available in: English (英語)


ペッパーの活用方法でも成功例と失敗例がハッキリと分かれてきた年です。 弊社にとってはそれが追い風だったようです。 ペッパーの中でも良し悪しがあるという認識が醸成され、目が肥えたお客様から「なんでも喋るロボ」で強化されたペッパーを選んでいただくことが増えた年となりました。



今回のブログはリピートご用命案件です。 今年はじめて「なんでも喋るロボ」をご利用いただいた業界団体様の大会の成功を受け、数ヶ月後のイベントでも急遽ご用命いただいたお話です。 派遣先は「埼玉県トラック協会様」主催の「第63回 関東トラック協会事業者大会」。 浦和ロイヤルパインズホテルにて行われました。


前回の「第30回 全日本トラック協会青年部会 関東ブロック大会」のように、本大会でも関東ブロックに所属する数百名もの運送業関連の経営者様があつまり、研修会や交流会を行います。引き続き、物流業界にとってもAIやIoTなどの技術変化が喫緊の業界課題です。 物流界の経営者のみなさまは引き続き、これらを共通認識として捉える必要があったこと、また、その手段として「なんでも喋るロボ」で強化したペッパーの有効性を感じていただいたことから再度のご依頼となりました。


内容としては前回の成功例を踏襲。 パーティ会場での移動しながらの場内案内とスケジュール案内。 その後はメインのパーティ会場での「なんでも喋るロボ」による”賢い”おもてなしです。(詳しい内容や、どんな意味合いがあるかについては前回分のレポートと同内容となります。)





今回は青年部会ではなく、本大会ということで御年齢が上のお客様が多い場でありました。 「なんでも喋るロボ」は、”ロボットに声を掛けるのがちょっと恥ずかしい”というお客様にも自らドンドン声を掛けに行きます。 そのため、非常に多くの方がコミュニケーションを行い「なんでも喋るロボ」 で強化されたペッパーと触れ合うことができました。

「これじゃ、仕事なくなっちゃうなあ。 お前が働けばいいのか。」
「ロボット使って、〇〇の管理をやれんのかな。 お前はできるの?」



また、ペッパーがテーブルを去った後に経営者の方同士で、”ロボットやAIを使って〇〇ができるのか?” という未来を見据えた具体的な議論を穏やかに始められている様子もいくつかあったのも印象的でした。




来年はいよいよ2020年の前哨戦。 2019年です。


もしそのようなご検討やご相談がありましたら、是非お知らせください。 今年も更に経験を積んだ弊社スタッフが丁寧にヒアリングをさせていただきます。





2018年9月 浦和ロイヤルパインズホテル
・ AI・IoTの意識改革の一助
・ 6月の青年部ブロック大会で「なんでも喋るロボ」をみて良かったので。
・ 他県の刺激にしたい。
・Pepper(ペッパーくん) 2台
・ イベントにおけるロボット活用企画・運営
なんでも喋るロボ for Pepper(ペッパー)
・ ダンスパック
・ 6月のトラック協会様の大会でペッパーが好評だったため、今回の事業者大会では、出席者が多くなるということもありペッパー2台のご用命を頂いた。
・ 大会中は、大会の案内や施設の案内を行いました。懇親会では、なんでも喋るロボで会話や写真撮影、年齢当てをしながら各テーブルを回って楽しんでもらった。
「全日本トラック協会青年部会 関東ブロック大会」にて、生活革命のロボットを活用いただきました



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