「失敗できない」ロボット・Pepper(ペッパー)のレンタル・イベント運営なら生活革命。 国・自治体・医療・銀行・訪日など「失敗できない」イベントでのレンタル実績が豊富です。 独自のロボット強化システム「なんでも喋るロボ」で桁違いに賢いPepperの派遣・レンタルも実施。

グローバル企業の社員 1100名へ「ペッパーの英語プレゼンテーション」を実施しました!

This post is also available in: English (英語)



こんにちは。 生活革命の広報担当者です。






2018年春 グランドプリンスホテル高輪の国際コンベンション施設「国際館パミール」で実施しました。


最近は「なんでも喋るロボ」「銀行受付システム」などペッパーを強化する”ソフトウェアシステム”でのご用命が多いとブログでも書かせていただいていますが、生活革命のもう一つ評判があるものはイベント専門スタッフによる現地運用です。今回のご用命理由も「生活革命の現地運用の能力」だったとのことでした。ご相談の内容を聞いて納得。 今回は生活革命のロボットイベント運営の中でも比較的難易度が高めのものでした。



単純にプレゼンテーションと聞くとソフトウェアの技術的にはそう難しくないかもしれません。 しかし「失敗できない」イベント運営も込みとなると話は別になります。



  • プレゼンテーションルームの大きさは約40mx70mと巨大
  • ステージの長さは横40m
  • 出席者1100名がその密室の中で着席
  • 完全英語のプレゼンテーション
  • COOとのコンビネーションでのプレゼンテーションが必要
  • 観客は営業のプロフェッショナル1100名
  • ペッパーが伝えるメッセージは非常に人間的でエモーショナルな内容
  • 現場でのイベント運営が前日まで変更の可能性がある

生活革命はこのような大きなプレゼンテーションイベントをいくつかこなしていますので対応可能です。 このようなプレゼンテーション案件の場合、単純にプレゼンテーションのコンテンツを作るだけではうまくいきません。 事前に環境ヒアリング調査を行い、調査結果に基づいてリスクを潰した現場運用案方法を策定した上、運用内容と実施内容について相談を行い、プレゼンテーションコンテンツの制作に入る必要があります。 もちろんプレゼンテーションはお客様が楽しんだり、企業のメッセージを納得感をもって受け入れる動作・内容である必要もあります。 これらを一気通貫で実施するためには知識・経験・ノウハウが必要であるため、ご用命理由が「しっかりやってくれそう」「生活革命の現地運用能力」だったのも納得でした。

ペッパーをイベントで活用する際には、単純に喋らせる内容だけでなく動きやイントネーション、プレゼンテーションのテクニック、これだけでなく実は無線環境や室内環境、照明など安定運用を行うためには、プレゼンテーション規模が小さくても大きくても気にかけることは多々ありますが、大きなイベントになるとその要件は更にキツくなります。 今回は全編英語とのことだったので、観客の文化慣習・言語も違うため大きな影響があります。

生活革命では、県知事様とのプレゼンや大手企業CEO様と掛け合いプレゼンNHK様でのテレビ収録、その他医療系・銀行系の失敗の許されないプレゼンテーションを数多く手がけています。  大小様々なロボットプレゼンテーション運用の実績面も把握してくださった上でご依頼くださったようです。 (ちなみに生活革命ではネイティブの英語担当者がペッパーのプレゼンテーション制作を担当しています。)







ペッパーとCOOの掛け合いはこのような構図で行いました。 聴衆に対して効果的にメッセージを伝える演出を施したペッパーがテンポを崩さず掛け合いを実施。






終了後 – effective team

生活革命のスタッフとしては想定されるリスクや諸条件を相談しながら順番にクリアしていきながら着実に仕事をこなしていたのですが、先方企業様としてはやはり初めてのロボット・ペッパー活用をこんなビッグイベントで使うことに対しては、ハラハラドキドキするものがあったそうです。 その辺りはなるべくご安心をいただけるように説明しながら進めますがお気持ちは非常にわかります。


終了後にはCOOがバックヤードにいるスタッフのみなさまとガッチリ握手。 私たちロボットプレゼンテーションのチームを見て一言。「良い内容。 こんなにeffective(効果的)なteamは見たことがない。」と言っていただけました。 今回のペッパー・ロボットプレゼンテーションに関わった方々にもお喜びいただけたようです。


こんな風に一体感のある演出ができたりするのは正直できすぎと言えばできすぎではあります。 このようなレベルまでの歓声ではなく大歓声、笑うと言うより一体感や熱狂の結果は会の主旨やイベントのロボット・ペッパー以外の他のパート、来場者様のテンション、そして何より他のイベント担当者様の尽力にも寄る部分はあります。 このレベルとなると私どもだけで必ず再現できるとまではまだ言えないのですが、生活革命のプレゼンテーションとその運営は概ね好評を頂いています。

もしロボットやペッパーでパーティ・プレゼンテーション・展示会・国際コンベンションイベントなどでプレゼンテーションをしたい。 と言った仕事をお持ちのイベント関係の担当者様や企業のイベント担当者様いらっしゃいましたら、是非お声がけください。 お役に立てることがあるかもしれません。






2018年グランドプリンスホテル高輪 コンベンション施設 「国際館パミール」
・ 世界から集まった化粧品営業のセールス担当者をもてなしたい。ねぎらいたい。 楽しんでもらいたい。
・ 会社の先進性・COOのメッセージを、ナチュラルなプレゼンテーションで打ち出してほしい。
・Pepper(ペッパーくん) 1台
・ ペッパーのロボットプレゼンテーション企画・制作・運営
Pepper(ペッパー) 某大手メーカ様の商談会に立つ




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A Pepper English Presentation for a Global Company’s 1,100 Employees

This post is also available in: English (英語)

In front of 1,100 foreign business representatives, Pepper gave a presentation with the COO!


Hello! This is Seikatsu Kakumei’s PR representative.

As we reach the middle of June, a busy season for events, we wonder how you are doing.

This season, we think you’re divided between taking a breather before preparing for autumn events, and working tirelessly, facing summer events and major fall event deadlines.

This contribution is an example of Pepper robot usage at an extremely large presentation event.


In this example, at a presentation for a global top ranking direct sales cosmetics manufacturer’s business staff, the executives and Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper gave a dialogue-style presentation. 1,100 members of the business staff gathered together in a large-scale presentation room, with the CEO/COO and other key players in the company facing these 1,100 to deliver their message. As a part of this, Pepper and the COO joined forces to deliver a 10-minute presentation. It was an international convention event, with all of the speech delivered entirely in English.

This event took place in the spring of 2018, at the Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa’s international convention facility, International Convention Center Pamir.

Choosing Seikatsu Kakumei for Robot Event Operation

Recently, software systems to boost Pepper, such as Robot Party Reception Service and Banking Reception System have been appearing in blogs, but Seikatsu Kakumei also has a reputation for its on-site event operation carried out by specialist staff. Another reason we were chosen for this event was for “Seikatsu Kakumei’s on-site operation ability”. Listening to our consultation, they were convinced. This time, even for a Seikatsu Kakumei robot event operation, the difficulty meter was set relatively high.

What Made Pepper’s Careful Presentation Handling Necessary


Perhaps simply listening to the presentation, the software technology doesn’t seem so difficult. However, our “event operation that can’t fail” is another story.

This time, the event’s operation held great additional risks.

For example,

  • The presentation room was huge at approximately 40×70 meters
  • The stage was 40 meters wide
  • 1,100 participants were seated in the closed room
  • The presentation was entirely in English
  • The presentation needed to be a collaboration with the COO
  • The 1,100 attendees were all business professionals
  • Pepper’s message needed to be conveyed with exceptionally human-like emotion
  • The on-site event operation was subject to change up until the day prior

Seikatsu Kakumei produces numerous large-scale presentation events like this, so we were able to fulfill this order. In the case of such a presentation, just simply creating the contents of the presentation isn’t enough to do the job well. Before the event, an on-site hearing test is carried out, with the survey results used to surmount the risks of operating in the given environment and determine appropriate usage methods for the location. Then, after consulting about usage and implementation, the contents of the presentation must go into production. Certainly, clients look forward to the presentations; the content and movements must also be capable of delivering the company’s message in a convincing way. In order to successfully deliver all of these points, knowledge, wisdom, and know-how are essential, so the reason we were called on was that the client was convinced that we “could do it thoroughly” and that “Seikatsu Kakumei is skilled in on-site operation”.

When using Pepper at an event, not only is the conversational subject matter important but also the movements, intonation, and presentation techniques. Whether a project is big or small, of course we take significant care, but for a large event, this task becomes even more difficult. As this was entirely an English presentation, the guests’ cultures and language were different, greatly influencing the project.

At Seikatsu Kakumei, we have created a large number of prefectural governors’ presentations, dialogue presentations with major company CEOsNHK TV recordings, and more, including medical and banking presentations, that can’t afford to fail. It seems we are chosen for our ability to bring various robot presentations big and small into reality. (Actually, at Seikatsu Kakumei, a native English speaking representative is in charge of producing Pepper presentations.)

The Scene of Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper Presentation

Here’s how we are able to bring about solutions to problems like the ones mentioned above.

The venue was rather large: the Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa’s convention facility, International Conference Center Pamir.


The business representatives had come in a great number from overseas.


Pepper and the COO’s banter took place like this. The message was effectively conveyed to the audience, with Pepper not missing a beat.


The guests, witnessing this Pepper’s powerful performance, took out their smartphones and camera, with many of them standing up from their seats in order to take good shots.

The overseas guests seemed pleased with the effectiveness of Japanese detail, taking in the speech as the lights shone down.


This may be obvious, but Pepper was not the leader of the event. Actually, tuning with the leaders’ and event’s focus in mind, we were able to end the event in a way that all of the participants had fun and were excited.

The Results Came In – We’re an Effective Team!

Seikatsu Kakumei’s staff steadily consulted with the client company about the perceived risks and conditions while clearing each step in turn, yet for this important company, using a Pepper robot for the first time at such a big event, it seems that pulses had been racing. On that note, continuing as we explained the security, we certainly understood their feelings.


After the event finished, the COO applauded our staff in the green room. Looking at our robot presentation team, he said, “The contents were great. I’ve never seen a team this effective.” He seemed to be quite pleased with our Pepper robot presentation approach method.

In Closing

In creating such a united performance, if you say it’s really overdoing it, it’s overdoing it. In reaching such a level, results of not simple cheers but massive ovations, feverish reactions across the board instead of simple laughter, the event’s purpose and its parts beyond the event robot Pepper, such as the excitement of the visitors, and above all, the commitment of the other event representatives are all important. While we’re not going to say that we’re the only ones who can produce at this level, Seikatsu Kakumei’s presentation and operation holds considerable popularity.

Perhaps you’re looking to have a Pepper robot presentation at your party, trade show, international convention, or other presentation event. In that case, please be sure to contact us. We may be able to assist you with planning your hosted event.

If this seems like it would be helpful for your event, please be sure to consider Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper event operation.


Please direct inquiries here.

For an introduction to Seikatsu Kakumei’s robot event business, please click here.

Event Summary

Major Overseas Global Cosmetics Company’s International Convention Event
Event Time and Location
2018 Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa Convention Facility, International Convention Center Pamir
Customer Name
Major Global Cosmetics Manufacturer
Customer Goals
・ To bring hospitality to the cosmetics company’s sales representatives from around the world, thanking them in a fun way
・ To convey the CEO’s and company’s advanced message through a natural presentation Robots Used
Robots Used
・Pepper (one unit)
Services Implemented
 Robot Event Planning and Operation
・ Pepper Robot Presentation Planning, Production, and Operation
Robot Rental (Pepper)
Implemented Contents and Results
The cosmetics manufacturer’s best employees were gathered for this international conference presentation. Standing on stage alongside the CEO, the two negotiated and gave a presentation in English.
Similar Events:
Seikatsu Kakumei’s Pepper Appeared on NHK
Annual Visitor Increase at School Information Fair Using Pepper
We Participated in Saitama’s Robot Idea Contest Awards Ceremony!
Pepper at a Major Manufacturer’s Business Meeting




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